Parenting a toddler can be difficult + test your patience on a daily basis. We loved this honest article on Toddler Battles on The Everymom. Here's an extract:
"These cute, but oh-so-obstinate little creatures can try our patience and make it very clear that they don’t call them the terrible two’s and threenagers for nothing. So I started making the conscious decision between deciding when to engage and when to let them do their thing.
For me, that came when my 3-year-old decided he had to pick out his own clothes for nursery school. At first, I tried to make sure what he was wearing at least, you know, matched, but after a few days of arguments (anyone else ever tried to successfully rationalize with a 3-year-old?), clothes all over the floor, and being late for school, I realized that, in fact, it really wasn’t a big deal. Now, as long as it’s somewhat seasonally appropriate, he can wear whatever he wants—even if that’s a Batman shirt, red pajama bottoms, and two different socks."
Read more here.
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