"When baby is tired, mommy is tired too."
Being a parent is a joy but sometimes it can be exhausting when your little one is not sleeping well because when baby is tired, mommy is tired too.
Here are some simple tips for better sleep:
- Make a routine so baby learns when it's sleep time.
- Remove all stimulation before starting the sleep process.
- Play white noise while rocking baby to sleep.
- Dim the lights and wear the baby in a sling for half an hour to tire baby out.
- Sleep with the baby blanket for a night so it gets your smell on it to comfort baby.
- Let baby learn to fall asleep independently by putting him in the cot when drowsy.
- Swaddle, swaddle, swaddle.
- Make sure baby is full, has a clean nappy and is burped - good sleep will follow.
- Dreamfeed.
- Sleep when baby sleeps!
Sleep training is difficult so don't be discouraged as a new parent. You are still learning and so is baby.